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Crunchy Homemade Semolina Bread with Brewer's Yeast Easy Recipe

Writer's picture: Luca BellavitaLuca Bellavita

Semolina Bread with Brewer's Yeast
Semolina Bread with Brewer's Yeast

Semolina Bread with Brewer's Yeast is a masterpiece of Italian tradition. It is also known as durum wheat bread, and its most famous variants are the Apulian and Altamura breads. It is obtained from re-milled semolina and is renowned for its fragrance, crunchy crust, and soft inside.

The recipe is straightforward. Just follow some essential rules related to leavening step by step. The first thing to do is to prepare the biga. Be patient; for a good result, the semolina bread will have to rest for a long time. Once baked, enjoy it hot as a side dish with your main course meal, or prepare tasty bruschetta. So here's how to prepare semolina bread at home, as aromatic as in a bakery with this Semolina Bread

Understanding Semolina (Durum)

Durum wheat, also known as Semolina (Triticum durum), is a hard wheat variety originating in the Mediterranean region. It is popular in pasta-making due to its high protein content and excellent gluten quality. As I said, I have used almost 100% Semolina in this recipe, but I recommend you try mixing Semolina with another type of flour to experiment with how a small change can make a huge difference.

Durum wheat is, in fact, commonly used in different proportions to make bread, providing a delicious alternative to traditional wheat bread. Its golden colour and bold flavour make it a favourite choice among bread enthusiasts looking for an exciting twist.

Ingredients for this Crunchy Bread Recipe

For the leavening (Biga):

  • 150g of finely re-milled durum wheat

  • 1.5g of water

  • 1.5g of dry brewer's yeast

For the Semolina Bread dough:

  • 450g of re-milled / fine durum wheat semolina flour (or finely ground semolina)

  • 260g + 10g of water

  • 10 g of salt

  • 2 tablespoons of oil

  • 1 teaspoon of poor wheat malt or barley malt

The calories refer to 100 grams of the product.

How to Prepare it

The initial dough
The initial dough

How to Prepare the Biga

The Biga is a pre-dough combined with the second one, strengthening the rising process and adding flavour to this bread.

  • Pour the re-milled durum wheat into a bowl.

  • Mix the brewer's yeast in lukewarm water

  • Add to the semolina

  • Knead with your hands until you get a homogeneous mixture.

  • Then roll it into a ball (Using the process we call Pirlatura)

Biga Homogeneous Mixture Tent to be Quite Dense
Biga Homogeneous Mixture Tent to be Quite Dense

  • Cover the Biga with plastic wrap and let it rest in a dry place at room temperature for 12-18 hours or until it triples its size (the rising time varies depending on several factors; to learn more about this, check this post)

  • Prepare 600 g of durum wheat semolina

  • 100 g of 0 flour in a planetary bowl.

  • Add the matured biga and 4 g of brewer's yeast to dissolve in cold water.

  • Start the planetary mixer and begin to mix the ingredients. Gradually pour in another glass of water and a pinch of salt.

  • Knead the dough until it is thick, then cover it with a cloth and let it rest for about ten minutes.

The Beautiful Yellow Colour of Durum Wheat
The Beautiful Yellow Colour of Durum Wheat

  • Place the dough on a cutting board, roll it out and knead it to create folds.

  • With wet hands, roll the edges of the dough from the outside towards the centre until they resemble a loaf again. Let it rest for another 10 minutes.

  • Repeat the same process three more times, letting the dough rest between one process and another. In the end, let it rise for 3 hours in a bowl previously oiled and well covered with plastic wrap.

  • Bring the dough back to the cutting board when the volume has doubled. If it tends to stick, sprinkle some semolina on the work surface.

  • Fold the dough once again until you get an elongated loaf.

  • Sprinkle with semolina and let it rise for another 30 minutes inside the oven, with only the light on. This creates a perfect rising chamber.

  • It's essential to score the bread to help it rise. The direction and number of scores depend on the shape of your bread. If it's rounded, I would cut a cross on it, but if your loaf is oval, I would probably make several scores at 45 degrees for its length.

  • Preheat the oven to maximum power, then cook in static mode at 190 ° C for 45-50 minutes, depending on your oven.


Tips: To obtain the fateful thick and crunchy crust while keeping the soft crumb inside, in this Semolina Bread, the cooking environment. Put a saucepan with water on the shelf of the oven and proceed with the bread's baking.


Crunchy Homemade Semolina Bread with Brewer's Yeast is Great and Long-Lasting

Semolina Bread with Brewer's Yeast can be stored for several days, wrapped in a cloth, in a paper bag, or, in any case, in a dry and clean environment. When it hardens, you can make it even more crunchy in the oven and use it to prepare delicious bruschetta. Alternatively, you can cut the bread into slices and freeze them in freezer bags.

Properties of Semolina (Durum Wheat)

High Protein Content: Durum wheat is rich in protein, providing essential amino acids needed for growth, repair, and development within the body. This characteristic makes it an excellent choice for individuals seeking to increase their protein intake without compromising flavour.

High Gluten Quality: The gluten in durum wheat produces a very elastic dough, making it particularly suitable for bread and pasta with a light, chewy texture. The gluten in durum wheat also helps retain moisture, leading to a longer shelf life for the bread.

Rich in Minerals: It is an excellent source of iron, magnesium, selenium, and phosphorus. These minerals are vital in maintaining overall health, including supporting bone strength, aiding energy production, and promoting proper nerve function.

Dietary Fiber: Durum wheat is packed with dietary fibre, both soluble and insoluble. Fibre aids in digestion, helps regulate blood sugar levels, and promotes a healthy gut by supporting regular bowel movements.


I Hope You Have Enjoyed your Freshly made Semolina Bread with Brewer's Yeast :) And I would love to hear your feedback or any suggestions for improvement you may want to share.

Now that you have mastered this recipe with, why don't you try personalizing your next one?

You could add extra ingredients to the dough,

such as flax and sunflower seeds, olives, nuts, or onions, for an even richer taste.

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